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A documentary about passion and evanescence 82, 86 and 76 are the ages of our three protagonists whose lives are revolving around the Bonneville Speedweek, a land speed racing contest on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. It is the story of Jack Costella, Duane Mc Kinney und Al Teague, who are building handmade speed cars in their backyards in years of patience and dedication, for the few minutes of glory
when they steer their rocket like vehicles over the salt with mind bending speed. Men who know that it is never too late to live your passion. But the Salt Lake vanishes and it will take with it the old land speed racers and their decades of knowledge and experience. “The World´s Fastest” is a film not only about the dedication to racing and age, but also about love and hope, inspiration and frustration, lose and evanescence. An emotional and inspiring portrait about passion.

Regie: Alexandra Lier
Produzentin: Laia Gonzalez
Produktion: Laia Gonzalez, Fabian Heine, Alexandra Lier
DOP: Frank Schlotterbeck
Editor: Imke Koseck
Sound Engineer: Raik Lingner
1. AC / Sound assistant / DIT: Angelo Kovatchev
Soundtrack: 2wei music
Sound Postproduction: Hastings Audio Network GmbH
Color Grading: nhb video GmbH

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